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Top Performance 256 Disinfectant and Deoderizer

We use Top Performance brand cleaning solutions for our floors. Top Performance 256 Disinfectant and Deodorizer is a highly effective formula for cleaning and sanitizing pet cages and kennels.

This widely used and trusted cleaner adds an additional layer of protection against:

 • Staph, Salmonella, E. coli, bordetella bronchiseptica, and adenovirus
• Canine distemper, feline picornavirus, HIV-1, and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
• Rabies, herpes, pseudorabies, respiratory syncytial, streptococcus—even canine parvovirus!

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Healthy Habitat

We clean the inside of our kennels with Healthy Habitat. This natural, biodegradable, detergent-free enzyme formula combines proprietary, naturally based SMARTzyme technology with beneficial botanicals to dissolve the broadest spectrum of non-living organic matter. Healthy Habitat is safe for use in any pet habitat.